Call 911. I think I may have fractured my neck and spine and on my way to destroying my sight by getting glued to my study desk and laptop everyday for the past couple of weeks. No wait, negative vibes. I'm not going to let this take over me. I'm an optimist, I don't get stressed out and I'm not particulary thinking of smashing my sluggish laptop to the wall and jumping through the glass window.
I have to rush all my courseworks (read: flood modelling + report, database construction + report, two five-page essays on database and integrated river basin management, programming + report) as this is the only so-called long break I have for this term so we're going to London, Geneva, Dublin and Edinburgh. Yay! I don't think I would have the time to visit Loch Ness for a possible sighting of Nessie the legendary water horse. What can I say, the geek in me badly wants to believe her existence but even Nessie existed decades ago, it's very unlikely that she still does today.
Reading about mythical creatures and re-watching Disney classics have become my current escapism (though the Lion King only made me more depressed since Simba lost his father, haish!). I don't know how that will help with my realistic courseworks though but it feels good to be in your own world once in a while so it couldn't be that bad. Besides, there's more to life. Let's not forget that.
ouch you dont have to go that far to see naga. dekat tasik chini pun ada. haha