Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sunday No Love

So turned out it wasn't totally a lazy weekend, I did go out and get some elderflowers to make the cordial. Let's see in five days if it's at least edible. The weather has been scorching hot but right now at 6.30pm, it actually looks like there's going to be a storm. No wonder weather is a popular topic around here, it keeps changing like Britney and her panties! Does she have it on, does she not? Okay, outdated joke. Bear with me, it's Monday tomorrow but the World Cup final is tonight so I'll probably have to go to bed later than I usually do and the thought of not getting enough sleep makes me grumpy. Coffee will not help anymore, I'm sort of allergic to it after the nasty headache a couple of weeks ago. I really love World Cup but I've had enough with people's posts about who's winning and who's not as well as Paul the Octopus hype. They get redundant after five minutes and it's not like those who don't know the result are actually interested in the game and those who do most likely did watch the game anyway. Oh, and I have to write a complaint e-mail to our Newcastle property agent. He verbally agreed to pay the bank surcharge with the deposit refund but he didn't. I'm easily pissed off by people who do not follow through on their words but I always wait for a few days before saying something so that I'm not clouded by emotion.

Unfortunately for them, it's still pretty cloudy over here.

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