We've just discovered that we have to get our Danish residence and work permits BEFORE going to Denmark. I thought the same procedure as before would apply. We got our French & Hungarian residence permits AFTER I've started school. To make things worse, a new fee has been introduced two weeks ago. If we had applied before that, we wouldn't have to pay six...hundred...Eu...ros! Yes, 600-oh-my-God-EUROS! I don't know how I can enjoy our backpacking trip to Barcelona, Amsterdam & Brussels this week when there's an urgent need to check my e-mails every single day to settle all this. Oh, including a missing recommendation form for my professor which is another topic altogether but with the same utmost priority. I'm also unable to work on my group project because I couldn't install the software and my limited mobile broadband doesn't allow me to access the remote desktop. They probably think I'm a slacker. Sigh. I'm trying soooo hard not to get bogged down with these matters but it's even harder when they all depend on out-of-your-control external factors which is always the case in real life.
But I'm a student! I'm not supposed to have real life. I have four free days every week and approximately four months off each year! Urgh. Be grateful Izni.
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