There are things you shouldn't make public on the massive world wide web because there can be nasty consequences. To avoid any chance of that, I had to delete my previous post. But once this semester is over, I can put it up again and also include it in my book.
Heh, my book.
I don't mean to sound like a JK Rowling but I've been making progress with my book and I feel good about it. I finished my outline and I'm on my 10th page. I won't say more, I don't want to jinx it. Well, at least not until my 100th page.
So last week was my first week in the company. If you took last summer into account, it would be my 11th. And it's such a small world. I was introduced to this Malaysian girl who’s attached to the Sabah branch and working in Denmark for three months and turned out she was my two years senior in UPM! The Earth is round (ellipsoid if you want to be accurate) and everything is a cycle. The possibilities are endless.
And I'm sure everyone with any media access knows that there has been a powerful combination of earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Before, there was the devastating flood in Australia. It feels like we’re in the movie 2012. A reminder of how short life is.
Are you truly happy where you are now with what you’re doing and with who you’re with?
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