Friday, 14 May 2010

A Hidden Gem

I hate being in an elevator with strangers. I feel like I'm stuck in an awkward moment. I don't know where to look. Should I stare at the dirt on the floor as if I'm a health inspector? Should I smile to the old man or will he think that I'm hitting on him? What if I tease the little girl, will she cry and scream for her mummy? I have this kind of thoughts running through my head just to get from one floor to another. I have to confess, sometimes I just take the stair to spare myself from the intricacy.

So when I was taking the library lift today after my last class, my eyes were fixed on a cover of the four books I got from the ground floor. I guess you know by now that it's typically me to head straight to the library to celebrate the last day of school. It was so intense that I looked like I was trying to absorb the whole content just by analysing the cover. I missed my floor and got to the top floor instead. I figured the trauma was too much for one day so I decided to take the stair down when lo and behold, I got to a lovely small corner of period writings! There were only a few people there who were all, well, equally aged. I spent one hour going through the books since you can't take them out. That made it sound even more enticing. What do you know, being claustrophobic sometimes pays.


  1. i did leave a comment, didnt i?

  2. oooo. this phone makes me scream in agony! i said, we should go for book shopping together sometimes. the last time i did book shopping (i mean the real book shopping), was spending a frickin 600 ringgit. but it was worth two trolleys full of books. love it love it love it

  3. 600 ringit?!?!?! what did you buy? two shelves of books?!

  4. i got more than 60 books. so i guess i am ok with that. few of them are hard covers. *drooolll*
